Howard University

Dana A. Williams is Professor of African American Literature and Interim Dean of the Graduate School at Howard University. She has published extensively in African American literature and culture and teaches a range of graduate and undergraduate classes in African American literature and in writing studies. She is a former president of the College Language Association–the largest and oldest organization for faculty of color who teach languages and literature–and a member of the Modern Languages Association Executive Council. A Ford Foundation fellow at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, and a John Hope Franklin Humanities Center fellow at Duke University, Williams taught at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge before returning to her alma mater to teach in the Department of English. Williams is a native of Louisiana and a graduate of Grambling State University.

A native of Fairfield, Alabama, Dr. Clarence Matthews Lee received his Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Tuskegee University in 1962; his Master of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in parasitology (epidemiology) in 1965, and his Ph.D. in zoology (parasitology) from Howard University in 1969.
From 1990 to 1999, Dr. Lee served as Dean, College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University. In that position, he was responsible for the operation of twenty-two departments and five programs. Dr. Lee is Professor of Biology, and Executive Director of the Washington Baltimore Hampton Road-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (WBHR-LSAMP) Program.
Dr. Lee has played a significant role throughout his career in the mentoring, motivating, molding, nurturing, and developing minority students interdisciplinary (in the arts, humanities, natural, and social sciences). He has been a pioneering scientist and prolific writer, and has published more than 100 articles in scholarly journals. He has focused his research, training, and writing, on studies in immunoparasitology. His research has been cited in numerous publications throughout the United States and worldwide.

Dr. Kamla Deonauth is Guyanese American and currently serves as Howard University’s Director of the Center of Excellence for Future Faculty (CEFF), and the Co-Institutional Leader for the Center of Integration of Research Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) in the Graduate School. Previously she was a faculty member in the Department of Biology at Howard. She completed her BS in Biology at George Mason University, her MS in Molecular Biology at Purdue University, and her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology at Howard University. She spent three years at the Lombardi Cancer Center at Georgetown University where she completed her postdoctoral studies in tumor angiogenesis. She has lived in Geneva Switzerland for many years and is bilingual, speaking English and French.
Hampton University

Dr. Martha Jallim Hall, Associate Professor of Education, received the Doctor of Education and the Educational Specialist degrees from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.; the Master in Arts in Counseling College Student Development and the Bachelor in Arts in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia. As an Associate Professor, Dr. Jallim Hall teaches undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. courses in education and supervises, directs, and mentors doctoral student research studies; serves as co-principal investigator/project manager of an NSF grant with Howard, Hampton, and Morgan State Universities Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (HHMS- AGEP); and is a Senior Project Researcher, with the Hampton University, Toyota Financial Services Leadership Academy.

Dr. John Anderson is a Research Associate Professor at Hampton University’s School of Science. He earned his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from North Carolina State University in May 1998. Dr. Anderson joined the Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences staff as a post-doctoral research fellow in May of 1998. Teaching Experience: Hampton University – Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, 2000-Present and North Carolina State University – Atmospheric Physics and Thermodynamics, 1993-1997. Dr. Anderson is presently analyzing aerosol and trace-gas records measured by the SAGE II, Solar Backscatter in the Ultra-Violet (SBUV), and the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) instruments. He is a Co-Investigator on the SAGE II science team and the NOAA Center for Remote Sensing and Technology (CREST) and is a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society.
Morgan State University

Dr. Hongtao Yu is Dean of the School of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Morgan State University. He received his baccalaureate degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China (1982); his master’s degree from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1986); and, his doctorate (Ph.D.) from the Institute for Organic and Biochemistry, Technical University of Munich, Germany (1990).
Among Dr. Yu’s numerous awards and honors is the 2011 Stanley C. Israel (Southeast) Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, the HBCU Pioneer Award from the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), the Mississippi State Legislature HEADWAE Outstanding Faculty Honoree Award, and the National ChemLuminary Award for “Best Activity with Underrepresented Minority Students and/or Organizations” from the American Chemical Society.

Dr. Glenda Prime is the present Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies at Morgan State University. She holds the PhD in Education from the University of the West Indies, an M.A. in Education, the Post-Graduate Diploma in Science Education, and the B.S. in Chemistry and Biology. She has had almost two decades of teaching experience in the graduate preparation of science teachers. She is a science educator and researcher and has published numerous articles in refereed journals in science and technology education and most recently has published a book chapter on technology education. Her work has received international recognition and she has been an invited speaker at several national and international scholarly meetings. Dr. Prime has had extensive leadership experience and currently leads the Ed. D. programs in science and mathematics education at MSU, and was responsible for the development of the Master’s programs in mathematics and science education.

Dr. Simon Nyaga is Associate Professor of Biology at Morgan State University. He holds the PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology from the University of Texas, Medical Branch. Dr. Nyaga’s research focuses on understanding the role of oxidative DNA damage and repair in the etiology of cancer. My overall goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms leading to the transformation of normal to malignant phenotypes in breast, pancreatic, and prostate forms of cancer. Studies are currently underway to identify genetic and protein alterations associated with pancreatic cancer development. These studies are critical in elucidating the mechanisms underlying the development of cancer and could play a pivotal role in early diagnosis and potentially therapeutic intervention of cancer.
Community College Network

Dr. Susan English is the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Workforce Development at Thomas Nelson Community College. She holds a Doctorate in Community College Leadership from Morgan State University. She also holds a Master’s of Education Degree in administration and leadership from Salisbury University and a graduate certificate in education measurement, statistics and evaluation from the University of Maryland, College Park. As Chief Academic Officer of Thomas Nelson, Susan has oversight for all academic and workforce processes and resources that support instruction, training, and community education at the College. In this role, she most enjoys developing new career and technical programing as well as transfer pathways.

Dr. Calvin Stansbury, is the Associate Dean of the Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Division at Prince George’s Community College. Calvin Stansbury is the Associate Dean of STEM at Prince George’s Community College. He is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University (B.S., Mathematics), Virginia State University (M.S., Mathematics), and North Carolina State University (Ed.D., Adult and Community College Education). Prior to joining PGCC in 2017, he served as a math instructor and chair of arts and sciences at Halifax Community College in North Carolina. While in Richmond, Virginia, he served as a mathematics instructor at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and as an Adult Educator with the Virginia Department of Correctional Education. Prior to employment at the postsecondary level, he taught high school mathematics.

Dr. Rosemary Costigan is Vice President of Academic Affairs at the Community College of Rhode Island. She is responsible for advancing the college’s educational initiatives and providing vision and support in areas of educational policy, institutional planning, program review and faculty development. Dr. Costigan is a 1978 graduate of the CCRI nursing program. She returned to teach and lead the Nursing Department prior to assuming the role of vice president for Academic Affairs. She holds and Master’s degree and a PhD in Nursing from the University of Rhode Island.