HHMS AGEP Alliance Fidelity of Implementation Index
One of the components of the evaluation of the HHMS-AGEP Alliance is fidelity of implementation of alliance activities. Implementation fidelity is the extent to which actual project implementation aligns with proposed project implementation. The HHMS-AGEP Fidelity Index has four components that align with core components presented in the HHMS-AGEP logic model. Two of which were piloted in Y2; the remaining components are under revision based on NSF panel reviewer feedback:
- Development of the HHMS-AGEP Model (9 indicators)
- Implementation of the HHMS-AGEP Sequential and Cognitive-Apprentice Model (Tiered Certification) a. Level I Activities – Piloted in Y2 (9 indicators) b. Level II HHMS-AGEP Course – Piloted in Y2 (7 indicators) c. Level III HHMS-AGEP Teaching Practicum (11 indicators)
- Self-Study of the HHMS-AGEP Sequential and Cognitive-Apprentice Model and Dissemination (7 indicators)
- HHMS-AGEP Social Science Research, Dissemination, and Evaluation, (10 indicators)
For full overview see the open source link: https://osf.io/46uhb
Manuscript Accepted for Publication: Spring 2024
Thomas, V.G., Ricks, E., *Johnson, B., & Baylor, R. Influence of Black HBCU STEM doctoral students’ intersecting identities on their values and expectations toward entering the professoriate. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
Conference Presentations Spring 2024
Thomas, V.G. Baylor, R., Ricks, E., & *Johnson, B. (2024, April). Toward a Model of HBCU STEM Doctoral Student Socialization and Career Intentions. Poster session at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
*Johnson B., Ricks, E., Baylor, R. & Thomas, V.G.(2024, April). A Building Strong Connections: Investigating Faculty-Student Relationships Among STEM Doctoral Students in HBCUs. Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA
Thomas, V.G., Ricks, E. & *Johnson, B. (2024, March). Shattering Stereotypes: HBCU STEM Doctoral Students Showing Up and Showing Out. Roundtable at the Association of Blacks in Higher Education Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
*Johnson, B., Ricks, E. & Thomas, V.G. (2024, March). Diversity within Unity: Insights from Black STEM HBCU Doctoral Students. Poster session at the Association of Blacks in Higher Education Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Thomas, V.G. & Ricks, E. (2024, Feb) Aspirations and Workplace Values of Black HBCU STEM Doctoral Students Interested in the Professoriate and Other Careers. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Research Association of Minority Professors (RAMP) Conference. Washington, DC
*Johnson, B. (2024, Feb). Ethnic Identity and STEM Identity in Black HBCU STEM Doctoral Scholars: An Intersectional Perspective. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Research Association of Minority Professors (RAMP) Conference. Washington, DC
Preparing Future Faculty Institute Fall 2023: Presentations
Ricks, E. (2023, September). The Socialization of STEM HBCU Doctoral Students: Relationships between Academic Climate, STEM Self-Efficacy and STEM Sense of Belonging
*Johnson, B. (2023, September). Socialization of STEM HBCU Doctoral Students: Student-Faculty Relationships
Thomas, V.G. (2023, September). Intersecting Identities, Experiences, and the Socialization of HBCU STEM Doctoral Students.